A Quintet of Good Book-Related News

This isn’t all strictly new, as some of these things happened a bit ago, but it’s good news nonetheless and I’m quite happy to share it. In the approximate order I learned about these, here goes.

First, the adventures of “Winnie and the Wizard” continue! My friend and critique partner Aud Supplee has gotten the green light for the third book in the series, with the working title “Aylen Isle.” I read a recent draft of the book last summer, and it’s such a fun adventure. I’m eager to see how it’s evolved since then. You can read more about this announcement on Aud’s blog.

Stan Gale, another writing friend and critique partner, has recently published “A Living Faith.” I’ve had the pleasure to read much of Stan’s writing over the years; it is always thoughtful, thought-provoking, and warmed with his personal voice. I recommend his works for anyone looking for inspiring devotional reading.

My writer friend Kilmeny MacMichael has had two poems recently published, one in an Off Topic Publishing Poetry Box. This subscription sends you an original poem, organic tea and artisanal chocolate to “savour while you read.” (If I lived in Canada, I’d surely indulge!) She has another poem about a merman in Worlds of Possibility, an anthology of uplifting science fiction and fantasy. And she has a story in an upcoming anthology called Red Eyes & Tired Lungs, collected to bring some good things out of a summer of wildfires. I’m looking forward to Kilmeny’s new writing.

Jason Zeitler, my Running Wild Press colleague, released his novel Half-Caste in December, published by Polyphony Press. I enjoyed Jason’s short story, “Inglorious Carnage,” in the third volume of Running Wild Anthology of Stories. His new novel, described as a “thrilling tale of political intrigue, love and loss, and the soul-stirring value of friendship,” sounds fascinating. You can find out more about Jason and his work here.

And last (though not chronologically), in 2023 I finished the medieval-esque fantasy novel I’ve been working on for lo, several years now. It is the story of a girl who swears she will not be helpless in the face of prophecy, but will face her fate and protect her people. This is still a draft, but not a first draft, as I’ve been editing it as I go with the help of my excellent critique partners. Partway through, I realized this story will take two books to tell, so I have launched myself into Book Two now. I’m enjoying adventuring with my heroine!

Congratulations to Aud, Stan, Kilmeny, and Jason. Much success to you and your new works!

5 thoughts on “A Quintet of Good Book-Related News

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    1. Thank you for stopping by, Roseann! Yes, I appreciate how varied the works of my writer friends and colleagues are. It broadens my horizons!
      I enjoy your blog as well. And what a good resource it is for writers!


  1. Hi, Gemma! Thanks for these book updates, and thanks for mentioning Winnie and the “Wizard” Book 3. The title is officially Aylen Isle, and about one month away from the publisher sending me ARC’s! If any of your readers are interested, please let me know. Thanks!


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