
I was raised with the love of stories. My mom was an ardent bibliophile and my dad was a delightful raconteur. Usually, they would tell family stories together, and I listened with delight; it was a proud day for me when I joined my dad in telling about a travel adventure.

My three wonderfully different and creative sisters nurtured my imagination and curiosity in varied ways. Mythology, folklore, and legends fascinated me from a tender age; later, so did comic books and science fiction. By fourth grade I was writing my own stories, and by fifth grade I was determined to become a published author; I had the title, plot, and cover art for my first novel fully imagined (it’s probably better for all of us that it was never actually written!). In college, I followed my dreams and studied myth and classical literature.

After decades of writing solely for myself and friends, a career change encouraged by my supportive husband enabled me to pursue my passion more seriously, and I joined two critique groups and Pennwriters, Inc. The talented writers of those three groups have inspired me and supported my quest to become an ever-evolving and improving author, still delving into the realms of myth and legend.

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